Monday, January 23, 2012

Media & Early Learning

My mom sent this to me and I found it so interesting! I actually watched this entire TEDx clip regarding media and early learning.

  • Early experiences condition the mind. Connections between brain cells change based on experiences our children have while their brain triples in size between birth and age 3.
  • Initiation of television viewing is now (on average) 4 months of age.
  • Prolonged exposure to rapid image changes (like on a TV show designed for an infant) during critical periods of brain development may precondition the mind to expect high levels of stimulation. This may then make the pace ofreal life less able to sustain our children’s attention. The more hours a child views rapid-fire television, the more likely they will have attention challenges later in life.
  • Cognitive stimulation (reading books or going to a museum) reduces the likelihood for attention challenges later in life.
  • What content your child watches on TV matters: the more frenetic or violent the TV show, the more likely your child will have attention challenges later in life. Television shows that move at a typical pace may be far better for our children. Educational shows showed 0% influence on attention challenges later in life (Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street etc.)
  • New studies (using mice) may demonstrate that learning suffers with excess TV viewing.
  • We need more real time play for children. (Get out the blocks or get outside!)

AAP Guidelines:

1. Limit children’s total media time (with entertainment media) to no more than 1 to 2 hours of
quality programming per day.
2. Remove television sets from children’s bedrooms.
3. Discourage television viewing for children
younger than 2 years, and encourage more interactive activities that will promote proper brain
development, such as talking, playing, singing,
and reading together.....

1 comment:

Karen said...

I appreciated the bullet points. I want to go back later when I have time to watch the video. Thank you for this reminder. We have been talking with Ethan about screen time and he understands pretty well. This is always a good reminder.